
Parade Portraits (Using On-Camera Flash)

On-camera flash is typically not a great idea. It was a night parade with low lighting throughout the crowd. I intentionally took my flash and one lens (fixed 85mm). While I was limited in some regard, it also freed me up to focus on what I had. Although each shot was using on-camera flash, each one was lit totally different. Direction of flash, power of flash, and ambient light makes a ton of difference in each shot. One thing to note is that the reflection of the flash in the eyes are all centered. I don’t necessarily like that but it shows where the primary light source is coming from… on-camera flash.

Paintball Portrait


I love this portrait. I was shooting a friend’s birthday party at a paintball field. I saw the shadow on the face and prayed that my camera settings were sufficient to catch the shot. He was not going to pose for me. I had to get what I could before he realized I was shooting. I love the shadow and the fact that I still had catch lights in the eyes. The soft scowl on his lips was perfect. This shot made my day.